Indie Author Spotlight: Shackle.Exe by Van D Vicious
What is cyberpunk if you don't have the Haves and the Have Nots, and throw them together for contrast?
The way the books starts, I thought this read would be a lot darker than it was. Don't get me wrong, Shackle.exe explores characters with addictions: sex, drugs, cyber, etc. placed into situations that constantly summon their personal demons, but the novel is at its heart, a love story. An independent young woman and young man both tied by family loyalties and contractual obligations, who have a natural attraction to each other that's hard to fight.
Star-crossed lovers with the world, and even themselves against them getting together for a Happily Ever After is one of my favorite tropes. But, as far as tropes go, there's nothing cliché about this unique world Van D Viscious has set up and I'm not saying there's an HEA for this story.
I highly recommend this novel and can't wait to get sucked in to the next episode.
Hope you're all doing well.
©TJ Deschamps
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