NaNoWriMo Day 4: How It Went

Today started with checking the internet for election results. I realized that was only an anxiety-inducing spiral, so I started up a virtual write-in for my writers group.

The story took a bit to get started, but then the words flowed from my fingers. A subplot developed, and I wrote two scenes that weren't even in the outline. I love when ideas spawn during the writing process. That's why I'll forever be a plantser.

In total, I wrote 2,201 words today, bringing my NaNoWriMo word count to 8,330 words. I'm 37,709 words into the novel and am pretty sure I can keep it up and finish the rough draft by the end of the month.

Hope you're all doing well and taking a moment for self-care today.

©TJ Deschamps

Photo by Andre Moura on

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