NaNoWriMo Day 8: Why I'm Okay with Hitting Shy of the Mark

In the chart above, you can see that my daily word count is like Zoro's signature mark, zig zagging. But, on a daily basis, I'm hitting either the mark or just below. I'm okay with not hitting the word count every day. I'm okay with not 'winning' NaNoWriMo. Why?
Because I'm writing every day. I'm focusing on one project, not hopping around. It's forcing me to not hop over to the Shiny New.
Since I'm a NaNoWriMo rebel this year, I started out with 30k. It took me a month to get that word count. I've written over twelve thousand words in eight days. That's remarkable.
I think that people get the numbers and deadlines in their heads and miss the point. Creating a consistent writing schedule, sticking to one project, or making writing a daily habit is the focus, or at least should be.
I hope you all had a wonderful day. Happy writing!
©TJ Deschamps
Photo by TJ Deschamps