NaNoWriMo Day 9: Almost Caught Up

When you're a full-time writer, there are days when you are simply more productive than others. You can do all the same things you usually do to motivate yourself: good night's rest, eating well, exercise, and the perfect environment and still have outside influences distract you.
Social media is one of my biggest distractors. I'd love to say I'm on there for the pet memes, but I'm usually creating content that points here or to my books, or to draw more followers with similar interests since they'll likely enjoy my writing.
Today, I spent some time doing that in the morning, but after my lunchtime walk with my daughter and her kitten, I buckled down and wrote all afternoon.

I made today's word count, and I'm almost caught up to the NaNoWriMo goal. Hope you're all doing well. Happy Writing!
©TJ Deschamps
Photo by Ben Butterworth on Unsplash