Why Am I Posting Excerpts from a Rough Draft?

Every writer has to start somewhere right? There those of us out there that's never written a novel and don't know the process at all. Want to know why?
There is no secret formula to writing.
Yes. You need a plot. Yes. You need character arcs, motivation, and theme, but there is absolutely no single best way to write a novel other than to just do it and learn.
I've already wrote a blog about Plotting Versus Pantsing Versus Plantsing here: http://atomic-temporary-139771688.wpcomstaging.com/2020/06/14/plotting-versus-pantsing-versus-plantsing/
So, I'm not going to get into that. There are plenty of resources out there like Save The Cat and Lisa Cron's Wired for Story that will help you learn how to plot and plot well.
I'm posting these excerpts in the raw, unedited/revised form because I need to push forward with this project and not get side-tracked with the Shiny New. Yeah, maybe it will be embarrassing later. But, as long as I'm moving forward and writing East Side Hedge Witch, then I'm good.
This is my experiment with process and I'm sharing it with all of you.
Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash