
Hero's Journey Plot Point The Threshold and How...

In all myths, the hero goes to distant lands Sometimes to several while on their quest. It's when they venture out from their everyday life and into fantastical settings or...

Hero's Journey Plot Point The Threshold and How...

In all myths, the hero goes to distant lands Sometimes to several while on their quest. It's when they venture out from their everyday life and into fantastical settings or...

The Hero's Journey Plot Point The Mentor and Ho...

Since I'm working on a modern retelling of a myth, I'm using a hero's journey style plot. The very first plot point is called a call to action (or adventure)....

The Hero's Journey Plot Point The Mentor and Ho...

Since I'm working on a modern retelling of a myth, I'm using a hero's journey style plot. The very first plot point is called a call to action (or adventure)....

Excerpt from Tam Lin: A Modern, Queer Retelling...

While I'm querying Eastside Hedge Witch, I thought I'd post excerpts from my current WIP. This one is based on the Ballad of Tam Lin. The original Beauty and the...

Excerpt from Tam Lin: A Modern, Queer Retelling...

While I'm querying Eastside Hedge Witch, I thought I'd post excerpts from my current WIP. This one is based on the Ballad of Tam Lin. The original Beauty and the...

What Writing a Short Story in a Day and Publish... My long term goal is to eventually own a small press that helps fledgling writers break into a very competitive industry. I realized while I'm writing and querying my...

What Writing a Short Story in a Day and Publish... My long term goal is to eventually own a small press that helps fledgling writers break into a very competitive industry. I realized while I'm writing and querying my...

Four Things You Must Do If You Plan to Self-pub...

Congrats! You've finished your novel! You've edited, revised, and polished that baby until it's not only a well-crafted story, but flawless in execution. Here's what you need to do next....

Four Things You Must Do If You Plan to Self-pub...

Congrats! You've finished your novel! You've edited, revised, and polished that baby until it's not only a well-crafted story, but flawless in execution. Here's what you need to do next....

Traditional Publishing vs Self-publishing

In the movies, a writer types "The end" and then sends his or her manuscript off to their agent. The novel is instantly published and becomes a bestseller. We hear...

Traditional Publishing vs Self-publishing

In the movies, a writer types "The end" and then sends his or her manuscript off to their agent. The novel is instantly published and becomes a bestseller. We hear...